LAT: Intel agencies wiki for collaboration

And guess who is in the wiki biz these days? Google. Read more or .

It has been one of those 'I've been out of the office for two days and I'm overwhelmed with e-mail and stuff' days, but... I did see this story in the LAT:

Spy agencies now share the Wikipedia way [LAT, 11.1.2006]
It is hoped that the new software will make collaboration easier.

The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies have created a computer system that uses software from a popular Internet encyclopedia site to gather content on sensitive topics from analysts across the spy community, part of an effort to fix problems that plagued prewar estimates on Iraq.

The system, dubbed Intellipedia because it is built on open-source software from Wikipedia, was launched earlier this year. It already is being used to assemble intelligence reports on Nigeria and other subjects, according to U.S. intelligence officials who on Tuesday discussed the initiative in detail for the first time.


NEXT STORY: GSA shines a light