Google's most searched terms

I mentioned the top searches on FirstGov and Yahoo, but search giant Google made their list public yesterday.

The top 10:

1. bebo
2. myspace
3. world cup
4. metacafe
5. radioblog
6. wikipedia
7. video
8. rebelde
9. mininova
10. wiki

The WP even writes about the list in today's paper. And, if you don't know, Bebo is a "social networking website, designed to allow friends to communicate in various ways," according to Wikipedia. Whew! I feel clueless. That's the most searched term?

A few other fun items from Google's list:
On Google's 'hot search' list, the number two 'how to' search is "wiki how to"... the number two define question is "define web 2.0".

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