In the news over the holiday...

The story is by Robert O'Harrow Jr., who seems to have the government procurement beat these days, and Scott Higham.I might also mention these two NYT editorials. One on US-VISIT:And this one on the Army:No quiet times, I guess.

I got a call on Christmas day tipping me off to this story from the front page of the WP:

Interior, Pentagon Faulted In Audits [WP, 12.25.2006]
Effort to Speed Defense Contracts Wasted Millions

The Defense Department paid two procurement operations at the Department of the Interior to arrange for Pentagon purchases totaling $1.7 billion that resulted in excessive fees and tens of millions of dollars in waste, documents show.

EDITORIAL; Watching the Exits [NYT, 12.23.2006]
Washington is full of politicians who want to keep out terrorists and illegal immigrants, but far fewer who want to commit the time and money to a realistic discussion of how to do that.

EDITORIAL; A Real-World Army [NYT, 12.24.2006]
Larger ground forces are an absolute necessity for the sort of battles America is likely to fight during the coming decades.