More editorials criticizing Doan's IG moves

Notice the comments -- there is one from somebody who calls him/herself GSA.

A tip of the hat to Tom Shoop, GovExec's Fedblogger, who spotted this editorial in the Journal Times criticizing Doan's move to cut the IG's budget.

In the hazy world of General Services Administration administrator Lurita Doan it would appear that one way to reduce government waste is to muzzle the watchdog. Less yapping that way...

She said vendors and government workers say that Miller's auditors put "undue pressure" on them, according to the Post.

Heavens, can you imagine that, bureaucrats awarding contracts who are intimidated by auditors asking hard questions. Or vendors shaking in their boots because investigators are checking their numbers.

Perhaps the stress would be less if the bids were ... let's put this a nice way .... not inflated. That sounds much better than fraudulent.

This isn't the whole story. GSA was "cutting" the budget, they just aren't approving as big an increase. But in the world of politics and DC media, I guess its the same thing.
Most of the pre award surveys are of contracts called FSS Schedules. The work is being done by other GSA people now, and private auditors could do just as good a job as the OIG.
Politics is perception, but perception isn't always reality.

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