Event worth attending: Operation Jump Start

Wednesday, Jan. 31, is the third annual "Operation Jump Start," which seeks to help the soldiers of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom transition to civilian careers.

Yes, FCW/1105 Government Information Group is one of the sponsors along with CIO Council, and ITAA. The event is also supported by AFCEA-Bethesda, AFFIRM and IAC.

Needless to say, it is a really excellent cause and it sure is either an event worth attending or worth giving time and/or money.

You can register here.

The event is on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007 from 5:30 p. m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Va.

Below are the items being sought. If you are unable to attend the event, but have donations to provide, please give them to a colleague who is attending, as there will be no pre-collections for the event.

Cash donations are always appreciated and will go into a special, non-profit, tax-exempt fund established for the soldiers and their families. Make checks payable to the 501(c)3 organization LVAAA SMS, tax id #52-1843131.

This fund is used 100 percent to support special needs for the recovering soldiers and their families as they work to build new lives, whether it is a "first month/last month" deposit, bills forgotten while recovering or to meet other educational/emotional needs.

PHASE 1: Still in the Hospital, Keeping in Touch, Building up Strength

Gift Cards:

1. In $5 increments from Subway*, Dunkin Donuts* or Burger King (all at the hospital).

*Soldier favorites.

2. In increments no larger than $25 please. For a nice meal out with the family. Macaroni Grill is close to Walter Reed (Takoma Park/Silver Spring metro).

PHASE 2: Transitioning to the Work Force, Moving Up and Out

1. Dry-cleaned mens and ladies suits, coats, ties, etc. for office wear. This is not a clothing drive; the emphasis is on mint quality, not quantity. Donate only what you would be proud to see our soldiers wearing as they dress for success on the way to a new career. PLEASE MARK CLOTHES with a TAG indicating the SIZE of the item (makes disbursement easier).

2. Gift certificates to the following stores (in increments of $20 to $25 denominations -- makes disbursement easier). All are within easy access of Walter Reed/Navy Bethesda: Target, Macy's or Safeway.

3. New Laptops

NEXT STORY: Maine rejects Real ID