FCW-GCN-WT... what does it all mean?

Pretty much every time I go out these days, I get bombarded with questions about what the merger of FCW, GCN and Washington Technology means and how it is going. And, frankly, I have tried to use this blog as something of a forum to talk about what has been going on.

It is a little bit odd for us, really. Journalists and editors like to be the ones asking questions. We aren't often good about answering them, and we often end up doing the kind of things that we don't like people to do to us: Half-answers. In addition, this has all happened relatively quickly. The purchase was only announced on Dec. 8, so it has been less than eight weeks.

That being said, all of us understand the need to address these issues quickly.

We also understand that people just don't like change all that much. That is true among readers ? does anybody really like it when your newspapers or magazines do a redesign? We get used to it, but I always like to find my favorite things in their traditional places.

That being said, we also all understand that change is constant ? especially these days ? and it is probably good for us. The key is to manage that change.

So we are going to begin trying to manage that change. We have been working with our respective staffs to manage that change, but we also want to work with our readers because, in the end, we are there to serve the readers and if you aren't happy, then we are not happy.

So later this morning, the editors of 1105 Media Government Information Group publications ? GCN's Wyatt Kash, Washington Technology's Nick Wakeman, and I ? will be on Federal News Radio AM 1050 here in Washington to talk about the changes that will be taking place at the publications. It will be on during the 8 a.m. hour, and you can also hear it online at FederalNewsRadio.com. Later today, we will pull those clips so you can here them on FCW.com.

Yes, there are going to be changes, and I really do think they are going to be for the better. But I'll flesh that out more later today and as we move forward. And I know you will let me know your thoughts as we move forward.

NEXT STORY: Why hold back on telework?