Fed 100 nomination extensions?

Yes, the deadline for Fed 100 nominations is Friday and we have been getting flooded with requests for an extension. (Yes, even through we opened nominations earlier -- Oct. 30 -- and are keeping them open longer -- until Jan. 5.) Here is a bit of insider information -- we won't actually close nominations until Monday, Jan. 8. That will give you the weekend to get things in. Now I know what everybody is thinking -- they are going, "Thank goodness. I can put this off now!" And then we'll get flooded with requests to extend the extension. Unfortunately, we do have to print all the nominations out and give the judges enough time to review them before judgment day, so...just do it! The form isn't that complex and it doesn't take that long. Just tell us how the person made a difference in the past year. Easy as pie.

This is a great opportunity to recognize those who have made a difference, so...tick, tick, tick!

Just click over to www.fcw.com/fed100.