Give us just a little time

I'm not sure, but did I just get accused of being superficial? (I was accused by a friend's significant other of being an "intellectual lightweight," so I'm sensitive these days. :-)We haven't finished our work yet, so I can't talk specifics, but if I had to make predictions today, my guess is that if there is a big issue regarding the Federal Enterprise Architecture, all of the publications will cover it. Each publication, however, will have a different take. It will not be having one reporter covering the same story. In many instances, what we have had now is FCW and GCN covering the same stories in very similar ways.As I said before, I don't think there is any shortage of competition in the media world these days. If we don't do our job right, Alice -- or whomever -- will start up a blog focusing on the issues that we aren't covering and readers will flock to it.We'll figure this out, but give us just a bit of time.

Yes, I keep getting questions about the FCW-GCN thing. We're working on it, trust me. We have a meeting on Friday. But Alice Marshall, whose enjoyable government PR blog is worth reading, writes (on Boxing Day, no less):

What Motown Records can teach 1105 Media

The biggest competition at Motown records was the competition between Motown artists. For example, Smokey Robinson and The Miracles competed directly with The Temptations.

If 1105 Media decides that rather than directly compete, Federal Computer Week and Government Computer News would divide up the work and cover more stories it would be a loss. Superficially it sounds good, but the reality for newsmakers would play out along the lines of "oh, Government Computer News did a story last week on the FEA TRM so Federal Computer Week doesn't want to do another one". From the newsmaker's point of view it is better if these two publications remain competitive even if they owned by the same company.

NEXT STORY: Indiana, IBM ink $1B pact