GSA budget director heads to DHS

GSA Budget Director Debi Schilling is leaving to join the Homeland Security Department.

From her e-mail to staff:

All good things must come to end, so they say. I've decided its time to end my time as the GSA Budget Director. I'll be taking on a new assignment as the Budget Director for DHS. While I'm looking forward to this new opportunity, it's the people in the Office of Budget that I am really going to miss. It has been a real pleasure working with this talented, hard-working group.

I have enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of the GSA OCFO team and the entire GSA financial community. I've learned a lot and grown a lot as part of this team. Your support and friendship have been so important to me and will be sorely missed.

I wish all of you the best. You definately deserve it!

Debi J. Schilling
Director of Budget
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
U. S. General Services Administration

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