More GSA churn... John Sindelar

I still don't fully understand the need to make OGP a politically run operation. There has been some talk that some at GSA felt that OGP was seen as an extension of OMB and that this was part of a move to separate the organization. Frankly, that's the best explanation I have heard, but...Congratulations to John.

It may have been the worst kept secret since Ira Hobbs departure, but John Sindelar announced yesterday that he is officially retiring after an extensive government career. Of course, the writing was on the wall when GSA decided to make the Office of Governmentwide Policy a political job. Sindelar not only is one of the best dressed feds out there, but he has been an influential part of guiding IT policy over the past decade. And, of course, Sindelar's departure comes on the heels of Marty Wagner's announcement that he is leaving GSA.

Here is Sindelar's message he sent out:

I wanted to a take moment and let you know that I really am retiring -- effective February 3, 2007. Beginning March 15, I will join EDS in the Global Government Industry program providing strategic consulting on some of the efforts underway across governments at all levels -- federal, state and local, and international.

I thank you for the support you have given me personally, and on behalf of OMB and GSA. It has been my pleasure to work with you on many of the cross-agency efforts to implement EGovernment over the past six years. I think this effort is so important to the future of good government, and you are critical to making it a success while balancing many other priorities. I have always been impressed with the spirit the CIO community and our industry partners possess in finding a way to overcome challenges and not taking the easy way out by letting those impediments prevail. I wish you the very best in the coming years and I look forward to continuing our work together.

Thank you for everything. John

NEXT STORY: Maine rejects Real ID