Can naps and games reduce stress?

More studies give tips on how to reduce stress and recharge.

A recent study found that taking a nap at least three times a week for about half an hour lowers the risk of heart-related illnesses, especially for men. If your company doesn't allow naps, stress management expert Kathleen Hall has cited more research on ways to recharge yourself.

Taking a break to solve a brain-teasing puzzle can clear your mind. An MSN Games survey found that nearly two thirds of U.S. adults who played a quick game felt less stressed afterward.

Harvard research shows when you meditate you can reduce your blood pressure and heart rate and get an instant immune boost. Close your door, close your eyes and focus on a word or phrase that feels relaxing.

According to UCLA research, individuals who reflect on positive affirmations, such as life is good, or favorite things such as a pet or family have higher stress-fighting hormones.

So much for research. Does any of this really work? What has worked for you?