CSA hired Colleen Preston

I mentioned earlier that the Contract Services Association had lost Cathy Garman. Well, in something of a coup, CSA has hired Colleen Preston. The release is here [.pdf].

Barry Cullen, the president of the Contract Services Association (CSA), today announced the hiring of Colleen Preston as the new Senior Vice President of Public Policy for the association. She replaces Cathy Garman, who led the department for eight years and who has accepted a staff position on the Readiness Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee. She will begin her new job on Feb. 12.

Cullen stated that "Colleen brings a wealth of experience in Congress and past Administrations that will serve the contracting industry well." He added that "she is well positioned to build upon the excellent work of Cathy Garman in making CSA the preeminent representative of the contracting servicing industry on public policy issues."

Preston has served as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition Reform, as the Special Assistant on Legal Matters to the Defense Secretary, and as the General Counsel to the Investigations Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee.

She earned a J.D. Degree from the University of Florida and a Masters of Law degree from Georgetown University. She has won numerous awards in the service contracting and national defense areas.