More fun for Doan

So [.pdf from the CREW folks] is right up there with [again, .pdf from the CREW folks]?OK... View CREW's .

GSA administrator Lurita Doan has to be wondering why in the world she took this job.

Read this headline from the ABC News blog The Blotter:

U.S. Contract Boss Facing New Heat [ February 12, 2007 9:54 AM]

Multiple investigations are digging into the Bush-appointed chief of the General Services Administration, probing allegations of improper and illegal behavior. And a Washington, D.C. watchdog group has named her one of the administration's most corrupt officials.

The woman accused is Lurita Doan, a big-time GOP supporter who was picked to head the GSA last April. Her agency spends over $56 billion a year on paper clips, office space, car fleets and other necessities for federal agencies...

Together, the rotten contract and unusual intervention won Doan a spot on the list of the 25 Most Corrupt Administration Officials released this week by the left-leaning watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

DoanDavid Safavian

full list here