Piatt heads to the World Bank

Bill Piatt, who is CGI's vice president of Global Public Sector Marketing, will become chief information officer for the World Bank's International Finance Corp.

The news was posted on intranets today.

Piatt will start at the end of the month.

It seems like a dream job for Piatt, "leading the IT function within the premier private sector development institution in the world," as a friend described the job. "It is a rare opportunity to make a difference in some of the world's least developed countries, facilitating the provision of investment capital and technical support to entrepreneurs in markets that are simply too risky for most financial institutions," the friend said.

Piatt served as CIO for the Peace Corps before moving to the General Services Administration and the private sector.

One issue is that Piatt is the chairman of Industry Advisory Council. The IAC board will meet on Wednesday to discuss what they will do.

Regardless, congratulations to Bill Piatt.