A Microsoft visit

So I'm out here in Redmond, Wash. visiting Microsoft for the company's annual Microsoft Public Sector CIO Summit. They kept us quite busy all day yesterday -- starting in the morning and finishing up late in the day. But we had a good series of presentations. Of course, most of the people were Microsoft officials, and you come here knowing that, but, well, let's face it, Microsoft is one of the big drivers in the IT world.

We also heard from GSA administrator Lurita Doan, and today we hear from Microsoft guru Steve Ballmer.

It is interesting to listen to Microsoft people speak because... well, they are good company people. You have to appreciate it on one level. They don't "google" things here in Redmond. They Microsoft Search things. Google Maps or Google Earth? Not even on Microsoft's map, so to speak. They Virtual Earth directions. You don't store music on iPods. They store things on Zunes.

Some of this is probably drinking company Kool-Aid, but... it's kinda interesting.

We spent the morning hearing getting a look at Vista, which was helpful and interesting. The message: Upgrading now is better because you will score the advantages Vista offers earlier.

There was much more, which I'll get to. So there is more to come, but I have to pack and get ready for the morning session. I will probably have to write on the plane trip home tonight.

NEXT STORY: Saving sea turtles