Doan's fingerprints

Doan said flat out that she feels targeted, so...UPDATE: You can see the video for yourself .A tip of the hat to .

More on the Doan hearing...

This item from the Nitpicker blog:

Doan "totally paranoid"

Listening into the live webcast of the GSA hearings just now, the camera was down, but the audio was still up and you could here GSA Administrator Lurita Doan griping about the investigation and telling one of her people to take her glass, cause she doesn't want "them to have my fingerprints. They've got me totally paranoid!"


Update: To hear Doan's craziness, go to the [this link], and, [slide] the slider to slightly over halfway, you'll see the committee take a break to go vote on the House floor. The camera will cut to a shot of the seal, and soon after, you'll get to hear Doan told how to talk by some unnamed guy, hear her turn to some poor cameraman and say "Honestly, don't y'all have enough pictures?" and a little bit after that, she says it, plain as day: "Take my water. And my glass. I don't want them to have my fingerprints, they've got me totally paranoid."

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