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The battle for spectrum
Growing demand and a finite supply of radio frequencies could force confrontation — and compromise — between the U.S. government and competing global interests

Machine memories
A techie reminisces about bygone products


Buzz of the Week: Distraction reaction

Agencies uncertain about move to Vista
Transportation, Army and possibly others put holds on Vista to await testing results

Amid fresh allegations, GSA administrator ‘invited’ to testify

Army tries to sell Land Warrior overseas




Editorial: Running scared
Many signs indicate that everything is not right with procurement

Anonymous: Why so few skilled managers?
Address the brain drain, and don’t penalize the best people in government for staying

Kelman: The need for a new way

Lisagor: Avoiding management malaise

Griffiths: A time for software as a service



Fisher searches for the optimal organization
New transformation director brings Silicon Valley innovation to DOD’s bureaucracy

DOD says it pays to ‘Check It’

Performance systems experience growing pains

Training could be the missing leg of IPv6


A prescription for preventing service outages
Configuration management databases can alert managers to dangerous interactions

  • Click here to view the IT Service Management Forum USA Web site.


Doan urges balancing rules and results
Lawmakers are busy offering legislative fixes
for recent government contracting concerns

Councils propose ethics rule for contractors


Proliferating watch lists leave CIOs baffled
They want more specifics on why projects are on the lists and how to move them off

OMB tries new tactic for fixing financial reporting problems

Congress, states and DHS face off over Real ID

Intell community embraces Web 2.0 tools

HHS to launch e-health networks


FCW Time Machine 1990: Flight strips survive


Buzz of the Week

  • Click here to find out what the word about town was or here to listen to a podcast of the Buzz from the March 12, 2007, issue.

Editorials: Submission guidelines

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NEXT STORY: Springing foward