Funny feds

Funny feds? Actually, yes -- there is a contest. A former fed who is now a comedian came up with the idea for the contest. You can enter via . They have a public service announcement.Naomi Johnson, who is producing the show and is a former fed who decided to give stand-up a try, was on Federal News Radio here in DC yesterday.Here her .

The Fun
New Entry | Entries | The FCW Insider | Movable Type Publishing Platformniest Fed is a standup comedy competition where current Federal employees perform short, standup routines in front of a live audience to win a $250 Cash prize; a guest spot at a Comedy Lounge show at the Arlington Cinema Drafthouse; and the title of the DC area's "Funniest Fed". Producer of the event, Naomi Johnson, tells us what it's going to take to take home bacon.


NEXT STORY: More backhackers needed