No Networx award today, we're told

Ah, just delicious.So the thinking was that it would be this Friday or next Friday. GSA's Networx guru John Johnson has merely said it will be awarded this month. That gives GSA... well, next week.My guess is Johnson will be a popular person at the Fed 100 awards banquet on Monday. But I've got his back. He's sitting at my table.

We can all go back to yellow alert. Networx will not be awarded today, GSA officials tell me.

I know many people lost some money in the 'when will Networx be awarded' office pools, but...

GSA Administrator Lurita Doan, speaking at FOSE yesterday, said that Networx would be awarded in the "next few days." Thank you very much.

There is all sorts of buzz about what Doan's appearance before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee means for the timing of Networx. Well, to be more accurate, there is much attention on the hearing itself, and then additional attention for what it may mean for Networx.

The generally thinking is that Doan's hearing will, as PR people say, suck all the oxygen out of the room leaving little attention for Networx. But might GSA use that attention to announce Networx? In her speech at FOSE, she said that GSA has got its groove back -- a great line, by the way.

I'm sure GSA is still working on the contract and that is why it hasn't been announced. But today would have been a perfect time for the announcement. It gave some separation between the contract award and the hearing, but would still allow Doan to tout the contract at the hearing.

If only things were that easy.

Of course, one telcom veteran told me that this isn't the first time that political issues loomed over a major award.

Of course next Friday is after the Waxman's hearings on Lurita... [In her FOSE speech,] she basically is telling the world it will be this week but also makes the story all about her and how she has had to push her agency to understand user needs. I wonder if she is not using Networx as a distraction strategy...

BTW, in 1998 when the current FTS2001 was awarded we were told that the decision was held up for a week because of the President's speech on Monica Lewinski. The point is this contract has 25 years of being the political shield and football.