When it rains... NASA's SEWP to be announced this afternoon

Yes, as if we don't have enough news this week, but, according to the NASA SEWP Web site, it will announce the contracts this afternoon at 4 pm ET.

Meanwhile, the acronym for SEWP has changed. Yes, it is still SEWP, but now it stands for Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement.

The NASA SEWP Program Office has updated the meaning of the acronym to be: Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement. The original meaning was Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement. While the SEWP contracts are still centered on support for NASA's scientific and engineering missions, the complex IT product solutions available through the contracts extend to many other disciplines. The term 'workstation' has evolved over the years and also does not encapsulate both the higher-end computer systems and extensive solution based supporting equipment available through SEWP. The new meaning evokes two key elements of the SEWP Contracts: IT Product solutions and a Program infrastructure that can support the use of contracts for site or even Agency-Wide procurement activities.