Buzzing about Doan's future at GSA

The Doan issues continue to have ramifications for GSA. GSA administrator Lurita Doan testified before the a House Appropriations subcommittee and lawmakers told her they were concerned about funding the agency given everything that was going on.

Then there are persistent rumors that Doan is leaving GSA -- one way or another. There are several version of the rumor making the rounds. One is that she is planning to resign. Another is that the White House asked Doan to resign and she refused. And then there are multiple versions.

And then she has canceled her appearance as a keynote speaker at the IRMCO conference, scheduled to take place in a few weeks -- which is sponsored by GSA.

There apparently is real concern about the potential Hatch Act issues.

These are only rumors, of course, and the rumor mill has been filled before with speculation that turned out not to be true.

I don't have any inside information, but Doan does strike me as a real fighter. That being said, at some point one must say, 'Um, why do I need to do this?'

Even the rumors are not good for GSA. It is just a distraction from the real work that GSA faces.

One person who does really love GSA told me:

Unfortunately GSA does not need any more turmoil at this point. They are just getting their act together. my love for the place always concerns me when I see more unnecessary stress put on the great employees they need to get back to business and cannot with all this swirling around them.

NEXT STORY: He's back...