I am trying to get the hang of this blogging thing

Somebody said to me that I need to blog every day, because readers will desert you if they don't know there'll be something new from you every day.

This is not going to happen. I just don't have time! But, following the spirit of the suggestion if not the letter, I am going to try my best to blog regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays (starting tomorrow --Tuesday April 9 -- though I can't swear either that I will always blog on those days or never blog on others. But I will try.

My thought is that in this way readers will know when to look for a new posting (look! I'm figuring out the jargon) from me.

I'm not sure this blogging thing comes naturally to me. In fact, I think I may be too old for this. But I am trying. And actually so far this has been fun.

NEXT STORY: Living in a no e-mail world