My last post on IGs (for a while at any rate)

I don't want to become a one-note Charlie, but some dramatic signs of how the procurement system is becoming IGified (I actually used the expression "hijacked by the IGs" in my Post op-ed, but they toned it down in editing)come from some recent trade pubs that have crossed my desk. The March 26 issue of Federal Times has an ad for a Federal Contracting Supplement that will appear in July. The first bullet on the contents of the supplement states that the supplement will present "top contracting challenges as cited by auditors and inspectors general."

What about top contracting challenges as cited by program customers? Or by contracting professionals?

Meanwhile, literally every news article in the most-current issue (April 4) of The Government Contractor is about an IG report or a GAO report, plus an article about the Lurita Doan hearings, another IG article.

What is wrong with this picture?

Fed Times readers -- OK, friends at FCW, I confess that I am one as well -- might want to send an email to Steve Watkins, editor of Fed Times, to note the distorted coverage. Unlike IG criticisms of agencies, this would come before the publication of their supplement, when they still have time to fix the problem, rather than afterwards, where it's just shooting the wounded.