The Sprint-Nextel Networx buzz

There is still much buzzing going on about GSA's Networx award last week, and about specifcally Sprint-Nextex not winning one of the Networx contracts.

There is still a certain degree of shock given that Sprint-Nextex was an incumbent on FTS 2001, so there are people scratching their heads as to how this could happen. Then the general assumption is that they were not competitive on price.

The big question is whether Sprint will protest. Most people covering the story say yes, but I have been hearing that they might not. Sprint will eventually have to decide, of course.

The loss makes the next Networx award all the more important. That comes in May.

The other thing I keep hearing: This means that the Sprint-Nextel folks will have to work their tails off to keep existing FTS 2001 Sprint customers.

NEXT STORY: Where is Hank Philcox?