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The new world of wikinomics
Web 2.0 tools have created a platform for mass collaboration on a scale larger than any that government or business has experienced

  • Editor's Note: This article is available only in print.

An interview with ‘Wikinomics’ author Don Tapscott
Tapscott talks about how Web 2.0 technologies can change government and democracy

  • Don Tapscott says the social revolution described in "Wikinomics" is fostering widespread dissatisfaction with today's Industrial Age government. Listen a seven-minute interview with him.

Serious games = Serious training
Proponents of serious gaming say the industry has been slow to take off because it has relied mostly on limited government funding


Buzz of the Week: Struggling with Web 2.0

Army stumbles on blogging policy
Federal agencies just starting to grasp how to manage social networking technologies

A-76 is a tough sell for OMB

States make case for Real ID help



Editorial: Doan’s to-do list
Our recommendations for how the GSA administrator can get things accomplished.

Wagner: A recipe for failure

Heiden: Solving the talent crisis


Single-minded focus
DHS cybersecurity leader keeps an eye on the critical infrastructure

How to navigate the Hatch Act

  • Learn more about the Hatch Act's restrictions on political activity.
    (Source: Office of Special Counsel)


Putting security on the map
California map flap rekindles debate about public access to government geospatial data

FCW@20: Farewell, Adm. Hopper


Feds on big buys must be certified


GAO to seek FISMA changes
Should agencies spend less time reporting on security and more time monitoring it?

Improper payments decline

GPO faces a budget squeeze


Army marches in front of the Air Force

Buzz of the Week

  • Click here to find out what the word about town was or here to listen to a podcast of the Buzz from the May 7, 2007, issue.

Editorials: Submission guidelines

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NEXT STORY: O'Keefe & Co. turns 10