Vacations matter

Memorial Day marks the official start of the summer vacation season. Even if you aren't going away, it's also the time when many people plan where they will go this summer.

If trends from last summer hold true, according to the American Management Association (AMA), the majority of the "workaholic" U.S. workforce will be taking time off this year. During 2006, nearly 75 percent of Americans took all of their allotted vacation days.

Still, a lot of people didn't take time off. For those who didn't take all of their vacation days, two-thirds of the companies they worked for allowed employees to roll over some or all of their unused vacation time into the next year -– just like the federal government.

Some people take volunteer vacations, traveling to other parts of the United States or other countries. Many groups, such as Habitat for Humanity, offer these opportunities.

Experts say vacations are important, no matter what you choose to do. After all, recreation is just that, a time to refresh and recreate for when you return to work.