When manual labor is involved, data falls through cracks

It could be useful if your Web site included an option to post comments to a particular article right from the respective page. It would be interesting to see what others think about the subject.

Having said that, my two cents are "IG: Contract data late, incorrect" provides yet another example of how information is being used to drive business decisions. The Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation database has been designed with no interface to other procurement databases and the only option is to input the data manually. As in many other cases where manual labor is involved, a lot of data falls through the cracks. Short of hiring a dedicated person for data input or designating one full time from current staff, there is little that can be done in current situation, unless interagency cooperation regarding scope definition is improved drastically and information technology projects stop being undertaken just for the sake of putting a check mark in a to-do list.

General Services Administration