WSJ on McCain's high-tech cabinet

The WSJ has a conference, creatively called D: All Things Digital, from which they are blogging... and they had this interesting post regarding Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain's tech credentials:

Wondering who might serve in the cabinet of a John McCain administration?

Well, at the fifth annual All Things Digital conference, he opened the kimono. His candidates: Cisco CEO John Chambers, Fed Ex CEO Fred Smith, and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. (Two of the three — Messrs. Chambers and Ballmer — were in the audience.) He declined to be specific about which departments the business titans might lead — except to say it wouldn't be the Department of Education. "I'm not sure I dislike anyone in this room enough" for that post, he said.

In a wide-ranging interview with Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Sen. McCain talked about immigration, the war in Iraq and U.S. high-tech competitiveness. A common theme: restoring faith in government, in part by hiring the right people for the right job. " Sen. McCain said a new approach to staffing would be part of his plan to raise the percentage of the population with confidence in government — which currently, he said, has dropped to 20%. "That's down to just blood relatives and paid staffers," he joked.