Kudos to WFCW's Adam Tuss

Of course, this is no such thing as WFCW, but we do have our weekly radio program in conjunction with DC's Federal News Radio AM 1050.

The host of Trends in Government Technology is Adam Tuss, who has become a staple of all-news radio station WTOP. (FCW featured brief interviews with Tuss both this year... and last year.

Anyway, last year, Tuss did a feature story on the disappearing shoe shiners, and last week, it was recognized with a first-place award by the Society of Professional Journalists Dateline Awards.

Federal News Radio's Mike Causey, the former federal columnist for the Washington Post and now a co-host of Federal News Radio's morning program, won a second-place award for editorials, columns and commentary.

The full list of winners can be found here... And special congratulations to Tuss and Causey.

NEXT STORY: RFID in the spotlight