This blog gets a mention...

I hold back?Anyway, the Buzz Bin asked me some questions about blogs and this market. I just got those to him this morning -- much delayed, I might add -- so I'll cross post when he posts them. is interesting to read because he offers some good insight about blogging... and why it is just taking off in this market.

I've been pinged a lot in recent weeks about blogs and this Web 2.0 stuff. I'm not sure why me, but... maybe because this was one of the first blogs in this market. Anyway, Geoff Livingston, who writes the always interesting Buzz Bin, had nice things to say about this blog recently:

Chris Dorobek's FCW Insider goes as far into blogging as a journalist can. Chris says what he thinks a lot, and this has earned respect. I am sure Chris's blogging could explore a little more, but he is editor of the leading federal tech book, and journalist blogs tend not to be able to go as far into opinion as they may like, in large part due to the masthead. In general, the FCW/1105 family of blogs have helped socialize blogging to the contracting community and the federal establishment.

The post

NEXT STORY: Buzz of the Week