Yes, I'm back at it...

As I mentioned, I was off last week enjoying some time off. (No issue of Federal Computer Week this week... the next issue comes out next Monday, July 9... making for a fun week. Us and... well, not many other people in the office this week, I suspect.)

Anyway, I'll get back to normal postings.

I was lucky enough to get to spend the week biking around Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket with my mother and step-father. Not bad at all. If you have never done a bike or adventure vacation, the tours are generally very well run. On this trip, for instance, we had two tour leaders -- one of whom was on a bike making sure we made all the turns we needed to... and a van following as well willing to pick us up if necessary. And it is a wonderful way to see an area.

(If you are really desperate for entertainment and inclined to see me on a bicycle, the company that planned our tour, Sojourn, posted photos from our trip -- the modern day equivalent of the slide show. Anyway, photos are posted here.)

As I was touring around, there were some amazing U.S. Coast Guard locations. I'm uploading my own photos -- which include some of those locations -- and I'll post a few of those glorious sites. I'll post some of those throughout the week.

Back to normal posts next...

NEXT STORY: More defused bombs in London