BYOB: Bring your own bags???

So I have to admit that when I got an e-mail with the subject line, “Happy Hour for the Uganda Schoolchildren,” I thought there was an error in our spam filter. Then when there was a line about BYOB, I really thought things had gone haywire. Except for the fact that the e-mail came from Richard Burk, the Office of Management and Budget’s chief architect, and BOYB, in this case, stands for “bring your own bag.”

We’ve all been to a conference or two and you got a bag filled with conference materials. Well, there is now a chance to put those bags to a good use – they can benefit Uganda school children.

Burk is helping lead the event.

The event is being conducted with the Arlington Academy of Hope, which is a high academic elementary school of more than 300 students in Bumwalukani, Eastern Uganda. The program was started by John and Joyce Wanda of Arlington, Va. and they are looking for book bags, ballpoint pens and other contributions for the children who are using Ziploc bags to keep their supplies safe to and from school.

Some details:

What: The Sundowner at the Sheraton: a BYOB Happy Hour
When: Thursday, Aug. 23 starting at 6 p.m.
Where: Sheraton Premier Hotel at Tysons Corner in Vienna, Va.

If you want to register for the event, go to And clear out those closets!

NEXT STORY: GSA needs to lower prices