What is Web 2.0 exactly? The plain language guides

So I have spent a lot of time in recent months going on... and on... and on... about Web 2.0 and what it means. But I think it is interesting -- and important. (We often use the acronym around here: BBI -- boring but important. Web 2.0 seems IAI -- interesting and important.)

But I have realized that some of this stuff can be difficult to soak in. In fact, it can be intimidating to even get started. Social bookmarking? Second Life?

Well, the good folks over at the San Jose Mercury News' Good Morning Silicon Valley blog, came across a 'in plain talk...' series of videos that explains many of these concepts. The first one I saw was this one on social bookmarking, which I have posted below.

I just recently started using the social bookmarking site Del.icio.us, otherwise known as Delicious. Being very social, you can tap into my bookmarks at del.icio.us/cdorobek. Again, I've just started, so I haven't moved everything there, but I love the idea.

The videos, which are easy to understand and very creative, are produced by The Common Craft Show, which says it is attempting to make sense of these topics in less than five minutes. You can see more of their videos on their YouTube site... or over at www.commoncraft.com/show. For example, they have one on RSS feeds... and wikis... and social networking.

NEXT STORY: Doan: Potter fan