FCW Download and Table of Contents

Table of Contents for this weeks's magazine and some extras.

Agencies told to hold contractors accountablefor cybersecurity when they write contracts Workforce issues are important enough to deserve something more than a silver-bullet remedy that everybody knows won’t work Arbitrator identifies subjective practices in SEC’s merit compensation systemVirtual desktop software is the latestspin on server-based PC computingNew award would reduce number of vendors so the agency can streamline its oversight Controversy centers on whether Congress should impose air traffic system user fees

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Broadband operators reject ding-a-ling answers

Scottsburg, Ind., officials got tired of waiting for broadband service to come, so they created their own

Talking across the fence

IT industry groups have complex relationships with the federal agencies and lawmakers they often collaborate with

Tickets to travel

How border states, with the blessing of the Homeland Security Department, are setting their own card standards for identifying travelers at border crossings


Buzz of the Week: Embracing Web 2.0

DHS under more scrutiny after attacks

DOD relents and names a CMO



Editorial: Rudy’s management plans

Risher: The IT pay conundrum


SEC case proves merit pay is hard

OPM: Calling all SES hopefuls


PCs come full circle


DIA to consolidate intell support

SBA to focus on women’s centers


NextGen funding battle heats up

DOD tries a new risk strategy

OMB mandates the use of foreign-trade system


A few minutes with...Kevin Carroll

Editorials: Submission guidelines

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NEXT STORY: John Klossner | Editorial Cartoon