Letter: Are all official communications saved?

The implications of lawsuits about missing e-mail messages are 'enormous,' a reader says.

In regard to "Group files motion to preserve e-mail backup tapes," has Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington also filed similar suits to preserve e-mail messages from every American federal agency, Congress and the Supreme Court under this blanket of "preserving American history"? I doubt it. Has every note, every scrap of any kind of communication from any previous administration ever been "preserved for American history"? I doubt that also. So why the emphasis now? The answer is obvious, I don't need to state it. But the implications of the lawsuits are enormous -- all future presidents and their administrations will have to comply with the outcome! We will wind up with totally -- and I mean TOTALLY -- ineffective government because no one will want to be seen as making any kind of mistake. And that will truly spell the end of America as America. Take a deep breath, folks, and think as Americans, not petty politicos.
