Letter: Better communication needed on grants issue

Reauthorization of the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999 would at least make the federal government continue some communication.

In response to "Grant law renewal uncertain," you should see the article I wrote for Thompson Publishing in the September Newsleter, arguing for reauthorization of P.L. 106-107. Right now the Office of Management and Budget and the Grants Policy Committee are not consulting with the external stakeholders, which PL 106-107 fostered. The federal community is unwilling to run ideas up the flag pole before issuing draft FR notices. At least when I was at OMB, we had better communications with the grants community regarding initiatives and always looking for their input. We did not always use it, but the external grants community felt it had a communication line. Reauthorization would at least make the federal government continue some communication. In addition, with a limited authorization window and some funding, maybe OMB could complete some of its initiatives with some better project planning and management.


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