Letter: Security must be designed into systems

Building in security upfront takes time and money, but it is still preferable to the skyrocketing costs and schedule delays that result when vulnerabilities are uncovered late in the process, a reader suggests.

It is refreshing to finally see these sentiments in print. Strong security depends upon its consideration at the very beginning of the program management lifecycle, such that security is designed into systems rather than being "bolted on" at the end.

Of course program managers are always fighting the cost-schedule-performance battle, but it seems that they always overlook the fact that costs skyrocket, schedules delay interminably, and performance suffers greatly when security vulnerabilities are uncovered late in the game (i.e., during testing, production, and deployment).

I hope acquisition training gets revamped to include security awareness and education as a critical module for program managers to be qualified to perform their duties.
