Doan the witch?

Halloween is always an interesting holiday. (DHS had some bad ideas this year.)

But a week past the holiday, we're just hearing that GSA Administrator Lurita Doan apparently donned a witch's hat and rode a Segway through GSA's halls.

How is it taking a week to hear about this?

If there are photos out there, I'll offer up a prize to the person who provides 'em. Really! (We have to come up with a good FCW prize to give away. I have recently fallen in love with the NPR quiz show Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. The show is very creative. Just one example -- the prize for winners: NPR news dude Carl Kasell does the recording on your home answering machine. What could possibly be better for a NPR audience. I'd love to find the FCW equivalent. I'm happy to leave the message on home answering machines, but... there has to be something more creative. Suggestions welcome... and Doan Halloween photos too. Send 'em here.)