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The guide focuses on contracts tailored to meet the unique requirements of the defense community. It includes service-specific and departmentwide contracts, such as the Enterprise Software Initiative. Because cybersecurity is such a big concern at defense agencies, this buyers' guide also highlights security-related contracts.


The environmental executive
Edwin Pinero's job is to make the federal government a model environmental citizen

Measuring green
Agencies turn to service-level agreements and other forms of performance contracting to achieve new energy efficiency and electronics stewardship goals

Nonfiction cyberwar
Military leaders come to grips with cyberwar beyond the pages of science fiction novels


Buzz of the Week: The convenient truth

  • Watch the full video of Lurita Doan dressed as a witch and riding a Segway on Halloween.

Bush codifies program improvement
New executive order institutionalizes PART and sets up formal accountability processes

Secure desktops not just for Vista

How secure are security clearances?

And the 2007 Rising Stars are…



Editorial: Fixing the schedules
Like them or not, GSA's schedule contracts have been remarkably successful, accounting for about $36 billion in annual sales.

  • Nominations for the annual Federal 100 awards program are now open. The nomination form can be found here.

McDonough: Ideas too good to sit on

Sprehe: Being overly simplistic


Brubaker's new focus is research
DOT’s funding decisions will help shape the future civilian transportation infrastructure

OPM suspends telework for some of its workers


Networx billing systems tested
Testing regimen for ordering/billing systems clears the way for agencies to place orders


Procurement chief chides IGs
Paul Denett speaks out against auditors who he says may be overstepping their bounds


Lawmakers hit DHS on cyber plans
Langevin questions viability of a voluntary approach to critical infrastructure security

Navy offers high-level EA view

E-Gov Act reauthorization begins


FCW Time Machine 2006: Blessed/cursed BlackBerry

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