Letter: Enterprise architecture is the way to go

There are huge gains to be made by eliminating unnecessary duplication.

In response to “Sprehe: Being overly simplistic,” the federal government is definitely one giant enterprise. Fortunately, size doesn't matter in today's Internet/intranet Age. I am convinced there are HUGE multibillion-dollar-per-year efficiencies to be gained by eliminating duplicative programs where duplication is not virtuous. The author bases his cynicism in the very problems that enterprise architecture can solve. In just one example, how many acquisition systems do we need to buy information technology services? The federal government easily has somewhere between 20 and 200. I'll bet no one person even knows. The Office of Management and Budget is on track. Anyone can crank up their systems to do the same thing everyone else is already doing. I recently saw a solicitation to build an acquisition for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency advertised on a General Services Administration acquisition system. What the…? The cynics will fix nothing and only accept greater bloat every year. Face it, the federal government has only begun to see anything like efficiency from the IT and Internet technology of 1995. There are HUGE gains to be made and enterprise architecture is the way to go!


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