Letter: No quick answers on cybersecurity

Efforts to improve cybersecurity often fail because they avoid dealing with difficult and unglamorous issues, writes one reader.

Regarding "Panel must narrow cybersecurity scope," both Schlarman and Clinton made excellent points:

1. It's our failure to do the unglamorous things that continually bites us - we'd far rather pursue bleeding edge technology.

2. If solving this problem were easy, it would have been long ago.  The problem has been reiterated and rehashed, and numerous vapid recommendations have been generated (e.g., improve security awareness) but key aspects that would lead to implementation of the recommendations have been conspicuous in their absence -- specifically, who/what is to implement the recommendations, and how and when are they to implement them, where is the money coming from, what are the metrics that define successful implementation? These are the hard questions and no one seems to be answering them.


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