Letter: Why delay the cybersecurity report?

A new blue-ribbon panel plans to develop cybersecurity recommendations for the next president, delivering its report in December 2008. But one reader wonders: Why wait so long? Read the letter and post a comment.

In response to an article about a cybersecurity commission (read it here):

Considering the number of security conferences and experts that talk at them (I've been at two of them in the past two weeks), the prospect of a December 2008 report to inform a new president raises my eyebrows. The important issues are not going to be discovered in 5 commission meetings -- they are already known. Why wait until December 2008?  Why not December 2007? or January 2008?  Raise the issues now -- they won't go away.  Work on them now; maybe we will have seen some progress by December 2008.


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