Seeking Fed 100 judges -- part 2

I need to follow up on my post seeking judges for the Federal 100 Awards.

I had a number of people who volunteered for Federal 100 duty, and I appreciate that. We won't be able to use everybody, of course, but... it was heartening that people believe in the Fed 100 program enough to offer their time.

I think what would be most helpful is to get your thoughts on who might make good Fed 100 judges, even aside from yourself.

Let me give you the kind of people we're looking for.

These characteristics are general, but they provide a good framework. There can be exceptions, of course, but in general, we are looking for the following:

  • Breadth: We're looking for somebody who has a broad scope of what is going on. We literally get hundreds of nominees. During the day-long judging, we need people who can review a nominee and can assess if a program is going well or is troubled... or can identify programs that didn't even get nominated.

  • Depth: We're looking for people who can drill down within agencies and know what is going on. They can tell us who are the good leaders, and the good doers.

  • Not shy: The Fed 100 judging day is very interesting. Totally off-the-record, it is a place where people can say what is working -- and what isn't. We need people who aren't going to be shy with their views because out of this debate, we get a more fleshed out list.

  • Agendas: OK, just about everybody has some kind of agenda, but we're looking for people who can look beyond their agenda to help us hone the list -- find the 100 people who really had an impact in 2007.

  • Stature: We're not necessarily looking for the bosses, but we are looking for people who have the stature, who garner respect.

And, I'll repeat... What we're looking for is a good cross-section of judges:

  • We like to get at least one judge from the Office of Management and Budget because they get a good cross-section view of government.

  • We often like at least two people from the Defense Department because... well, DOD is huge and important.

  • We often like to pull at least one person from the General Services Administration -- again, they get a good view across government.

  • We like to get several people from industry because industry does just a tad bit of government work these days.

  • We like to find at least one person from outside the immediate DC area to get a non-Washington perspective.

So... help me flesh out the criteria... and offer me names of people who have these characteristics.