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2007 in review
A look back at 2007 in the pages of Federal Computer Week

California’s self-improvement project
The California Performance Review has faded from the headlines, but on the front lines, it’s a different story

Want to come home again?
Once retired, then rehired, some feds return to their former agencies to pass on their program knowledge


Buzz of the Week: Re-prioritizing security

Most fed data is un-Googleable
After five years, a major E-Gov Act provision goes unmet because of search problems

OPM is gaga over Google

Showing everybody the money

With Internet gateways, less is more


  • Read about the 2007 class of Rising Star award winners here.

  • Nominate someone for a Federal 100 award at fed100.

  • In the coming weeks, the FCW Insider blog will present some insights from people who have been Federal 100 judges.


Editorial: New Year’s resolutions
The government has a real opportunity to marry the experience of age with the new thoughts, ideas and energy of a younger workforce.

Kelman: Too many contractors?

Sprehe: Foolish secrecy

Welles: All work and no play


Hot or not: Not a case of business as usual
Some CIOs gained new authorities, but not all gaines offset the challenges facing managers

Intel’s wiki pied piper

  • Check out FCW's special report on Intellipedians here.

Groups want deference to veterans preference


Hot or not: With tech, there’s always change
New technologies kept federal managers from falling into any routine


Hot or not: Acquisition was a hot spot
Agencies built a foundation for improving workforce skills and contracting practices


Hot or not: Congress failed to make a mark
But policies for better information sharing and e-discovery were positive advances


We've got it covered
FCW reflects on the year through its covers.

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