Letter: Closing Internet links will lead to more unauthorized telecommuting

In order to access information, government workers will have to use unsecured computers.

Regarding “OMB directs agencies to close off most Internet links,” interesting, cut down the links, but at the same time we are required to dispose of all "unofficial" documents, which means more time on the Net to get that data. Sounds like a way to slow down government workers to make them seem less efficient than a contractor sitting outside the maze of rules. 

Also, (and If someone is intelligent in network design, then this could be a non-issue) we must use the Internet for a lot of our work today. Just to access a Web site on our base (like time entry) we have to exit our base, go to another base for validation, and then we are returned back to our base to access the site we need. And that seems to be a significant slowdown from when we just accessed our Web site directly. And then we have personnel issues -- health, travel, benefits, etc. -- that require getting on the Internet. 

As it stands now, I occasionally go home early and do some of my downloads for work there because there are so many bottlenecks and restrictions on the current government system. I can see me potentially doing a lot more unauthorized telecommuting in the future just to get my work done.

Hill Air Force Base

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