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Goodbye anonymity. Hello ID superiority.
Government-issued personal identity verification cards are a form of identity proofing superior to anything available in the past, security experts say.

The security badge for the future
It could be years before agencies realize the full capabilities of the new personal identity verification cards that Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 requires


Buzz of the Week: The e-budget is an e-milestone

DHS to modify info-sharing network
Officials want to merge 100 Web portals

Desktop security eases into place

Census says it is e-ready

Lawmakers call for a do-over



Editorial: A toast to Lee’s service
Deidre Lee's work in government is much appreciated, and she will be missed

Kelman: Learning from the Brits

Wagner: The cost analysis muddle

Nadler: An unfair bind?


Do CIOs face a glass ceiling?
Government CIOs gain more influence but are not seen as strategic decision-makers

OMB sets guidelines for fed high fliers

NSPS’ endgame?

Dee Lee: She’s stepping down after stepping up

Federal Executive Boards tidy up

From the pages of Federal Employees News Digest


Open-source myth busters
Don’t let common misconceptions about freely distributed software derail your IT strategies

From the pages of GCN.com


GSA expands Alliant awards by one
Technology contract is on hold while waiting for a federal claims court ruling

From the pages of Washington Technology


Panel: DOD software is at risk
Military should consider financial-industry model of documentation and code checks

Real ID debate isn't over

SEC could demand transparency

FERC clamps down on security


Top 10: Trends, challenges in 2008

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