FCW Insider: Talking contracts and contracting

I mentioned an event worth attending -- . But AFCEA Bethesda has asked me to moderate a panel next Thursday, Jan. 17, on, The idea came from what I perceive as a general confusion about interagency contracts, GWACs and MACs right now -- including the GSA schedule contracts. So we're going to try to clear up some of that confusion. And we have a pretty good panel to do it.The panel will feature Mary Powers-King in one of her first public appearances. I hear you saying, "Um, who?" To be honest, I didn't know her either. She recently joined GSA as director of GWAC and Information Technology Schedule Programs in Integrated Technology Services, "which is a major component of the new Federal Acquisition Service. She has [more than] 25 years of experience managing information technology programs in federal and local government as well as private industry. She comes to GSA from the U.S. Department of Transportation, where she spent 28 years. Although most of that time was with the Federal Aviation Administration, she most recently was director of information technology and deputy CIO at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration." I spoke to her earlier this week, and I think she'll be great.We also have:* Joanne Woytek, Program Manager and Contract Technical Representative, * Soraya Correa, Director, Office of Procurement Operations, Homeland Security Department () * Michelina (Micki) LaForgia, Project Director, (ASCP)-PEO EIS (ITES 2S/2H & ADMC)We're going to keep it conversational. Some of the topics we're going to address:* GWACs vs interagency contracts: What's the difference? Why would/should an agency go one way over another?* The proliferation of contracts: Why? What does it mean for agencies? For industry?* The procurement workforce: We keep hearing about a shortage of people. What does it mean for agencies? For industry?* Fees: Why are they so different? What does one get for those fees?If there are issues you think we should discuss, let me know by posting here or . And if you want to register for the event, go .An aside and some shop talk: Attending the event -- not speaking, just attending -- will be Evilee Ebb, who will be joining the 1105 Government Information Group, FCW's parent company, as group publisher for print and online products. She will be reporting to Anne Armstrong, president of the 1105 Government Information Group.I think we often assume that people know how our business works, but publishers are essentially responsible for the business side of this business. Editors, like me, look out for the readers. There is a fairly healthy church/state relationship between the two sides of our operation. For example, in all my years, I have never been told by the business side how to write any story. That being said, editors work with publishers to make sure we are producing content that works for readers and sells to advertisers. The simple fact is that this is a business, and editors always have to balance those realities. Ebb has an impressive resume, and we're looking forward to having her on board. Read the . [.pdf]