FCW Insider: I've been away, but... 'I'll be back'

It has been a rough February 2008 for the Dorobek household. First there was the fire... and then, last Saturday, I had to put my pooch, Daisy, down.


It's strange because I'm not used to being viewed with pitty, but... Apparently the fire wasn't quite enough. On Saturday night, our wonderful Beagle, Daisy, passed away. Thankfully, we were able to be with her right to the very end -- literally holding her as she passed away. She was elderly and it was her time, but, as anybody who has had to deal with this stuff knows, it is never easy.

Daisy came to me totally by accident -- my good friend Vanessa, former managing editor of Government Computer News, needed a home for her. There were times, especially early on, when she was a tough girl to love. (She was... well, she was a female dog -- in every sense of the word!) But she always had a very loving spirit. And she immediately beloved me.

Of course, I couldn't help but notice that a Beagle won Westminster for the first time last week. It didn't take Daisy long to find out who was in charge up there. It is a fitting tribute.

Meanwhile, I have taken a few days vacation -- my second year anniversary and a good chance to clear the head. I've been down in the Florida Keys for the past few days where the weather has been absolutely delightful. In fact, yesterday, I went snorkeling and even saw some sharks. Now, given the month that I've had, I decided a sighting was enough and I got out of the water. I have no intention of being fish food, thank you very much. (Yes, the tell me there is a very slim chance, but... I hope you'll excuse me if I don't go with the odds.)

So, with a few days off -- we head back this afternoon --  it is back to business starting Wednesday morning. I'll be going to hear what Karen Evans has to say in her annual appearance before AFCEA's Bethesda, Md. chapter...

And... we are moving on.