FCW Insider: March (government movie) Madness results... and they continue

For those of you just joining us -- where have you been? -- we are continuing with a March Madness bracket approach to determining the best government-themed movie. We are still in the first round. have included The American President, Air Force One, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. On Friday, we finished up the second bout of battles. The results: See how they all line up in the , which can be found at the bottom of this page.And... on with the next three competitions: * * The Bourne movies vs the Jack Ryan moviesWe'll be keeping the brackets updated as the battles continue. Vote away...

FCW's March (government movie) Madness
Previous winners

 * Enemy of the State (52 percent) defeated No Way Out (48 percent)

War Games (89) easily blew past Mars Attacks (11)

The Good Shepherd (55) defeated Breach (45)


JFK (1992) vs Nixon (1995)
Absolute Power (1996) vs In the Line of Fire (1993)

Again, vote for your favorites at fcw.com/polls. We'll close this round mid-day Wednesday. (The previous polls remain open -- what can I say. It's our polling software -- but we're not including further votes.)


Click here to enlarge the bracket


(An aside... Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama posts his March Madness brackets on his blog. Nice touch.)