FCW Insider: The Thursday PM debrief

If you don't use Facebook, it is remarkable. I love it. And one of the remarkable things is that it is a platform where you can run all kinds of applications. There could be an enterprise model there, I think. ButCNet's blog, The Open Road, has this item, headlined, Forget Facebook. .May 15 in Falls Church, Va.

I am backlogged on items, so... a quick debrief.

* CJD gets FishbowlDC'ed

For DC journalists, there is a must-read blog called FishbowlDC that collects all the DC journalism happenings. One of their regular features is called The Fishbowl DC Interview and they ask a whole set of questions. Today's Fishbowl DC Interview is with... yours truly. Read 'The Fishbowl DC Interview: Christopher Dorobek' -- and you can find out if I'm a Letterman or Leno fan.

* FCW's Ben Bain on the radio

FCW reporter Ben Bain was on WFED's Morning Drive this morning talking about the White House e-mail story. Nice job Ben. Here it for yourself here. (.wma)

* Government Movie Madness

The March government movie Madness bracket voting continues... fcw.com/polls. We are in the midst of the second bout in the first round of determining what is the best government themed movies. Voting continues until about 4p Friday. It is a tight race between No Way Out and Enemy of the State. It is also a tight race between Breach and The Good Shepherd. (See the movies we are pitting against one another here.

* Web 2.0 and PR

DC-based PR honcho Geoff Livingston has written a book on PR and Web 2.0 called Now Is Gone. Livingston also hosts one of the most read PR blogs out there called the Buzz Bin. His book got a WSJ mention for being one of the best books on the subject. Here is the excerpt from the WSJ:

"Now Is Gone: A Primer for Executives and Entrepreneurs" by Geoff Livingston with Brian Solis (www.nowisgone.com)
"He boils down the basics of new PR practices -- understanding what new media is, how to participate in communities, deciding whether your organization is ready for it, how to go about starting a new-media effort, and how to activate your community once you've gotten started. It's a companion blog is ."

* The Mozilla platform

The Web's platform is Firefox

[The] user experience is starting to evolve beyond today's browsing experience. The most interesting topic discussed in our meeting was just how compelling Mozilla's Firefox will increasingly be as the platform for much that happens on the Web. Forget Facebook, MySpace, the iPhone, and other so-called platforms. Firefox could well prove to be the most disruptive Web platform on the market.

* O'Keefe's 11th b'day... who beats Bo?

Last year for its 10th anniversary, PR firm O'Keefe & Company had Bo Derrek -- yes, from the movie 10. This year, O'Keefe turns 11 and... Buzz Aldren. Why, you said?

Buzz Aldrin... Best known for his historic moonwalk, Buzz has commanded our imagination for decades. From piloting combat jets to exploring the polar ice caps and diving to the Titanic wreckage – it’s all about going for it.

NEXT STORY: Government Movies: March Madness